Time makes the difference between a profitable Air Duct Cleaning business and one that is not profitable. Man hours determine how much a job will cost. That is why storage is so critical in your duct cleaning truck. Trips back to the shop for tools you forgot (or didn’t know you would need) drive up your costs. Time spent trying to find or detangle a tool from a disorganized pile will drive up your costs.
- ACV Shelf Storage
- ACV Stainless Storage
- ACV Tool Storage
American Caddy Vac truck mounted cleaners are made with an abundance of storage room to carry all the equipment you will need. A well-organized truck with room to carry all the equipment to clean a variety of homes and businesses just makes good business sense.
Our customers recognize the importance of abundant, clean, well-organized storage space. Daniel Busby, Operations Manager at Willard Power Vac in Portland, Oregon has used other brands of cleaners in the past, but one of the reasons he prefers American Caddy Vac is storage: “It has more storage capacity, more compartments to keep stuff in. It’s just better.”
- Daniel and Karah Busby
- Willard Power Vac
Eric Ferrell agrees. Eric is the Operations Manager for Stanley Steemer in Delmar, Delaware. Adequate storage is absolutely critical to his business because of the territory they cover. “Because for us, we service three different states so at any time we may be as much as an hour and a half away from the shop, so we need to be able to carry everything we may possibly need on the truck. And it’s not cluttered, everything has it’s place and there’s plenty of space for it.”
- Eric Ferrell and Friends
- Stanley Steemer
Of course, there is a down side to having all those storage compartments. Dave Weltz remembers a situation that came up at Dick’s Vacuum Service in Bismarck, North Dakota. A few years after he purchased his first Caddy Vac, he needed to remove some insulation. That’s a job he normally would have used some of his older equipment for, but on this job he needed to use the Caddy Vac. He knew there was supposed to be a bypass chute, but he had never seen one on the truck. He called Mac to ask him about it. Mac directed him to a storage compartment he had never actually used… sure enough, the insulation bypass chute had been there all along!
- Dave and Colleen Weltz
- Dick’s Vacuum Service
Again, working with a company like American Caddy Vac pays off. Not only do they build the most powerful unit in the business, they also work with these trucks every day at their own duct cleaning business, B & F Power Vac. So they know how important features like storage can be. Their territory ranges hundreds of miles and they keep each truck completely furnished with all the tools they need. There’s plenty of space for every tool, and there is a place for every tool. It’s right where it’s supposed to be, ready to be used when needed.
Storage is a beautiful thing!