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So far kim has created 222 blog entries.

The Best Tools!

At American Caddy Vac we don’t just make it, we make it better!  That’s how we build our cleaning units and that’s how we build our tools.

For example, look at the subject of the April Tool Special: Rods.  Rods have historically been part of the tool arsenal in any serious cleaning business.  Rods extend the ability to apply high […]

The Best Tools!2022-04-04T21:16:06+00:00

Tech Tip: Frame Clamp Maintenance

There are 4 frame clamps that secure the cleaner frame to the truck frame, 2 at the front of the unit and 2 at the back of the unit on both sides of the frame.  These clamps should be checked every week.

Use an 1-1/8” wrench or deep socket to check the frame clamps.

The recommended torque for the 3⁄4” all-thread […]

Tech Tip: Frame Clamp Maintenance2022-03-22T22:08:18+00:00

Diligence Pays when Defending Your Business Against Identify Theft

Identity theft is big business and can have a significant impact on your organization should you fall victim to it. Scammers are finding new ways every day to impersonate businesses, while hiding behind technology to avoid being tracked and prosecuted. These scammers commit business identify theft in many ways, and keeping up with it can be daunting. Read on […]

Diligence Pays when Defending Your Business Against Identify Theft2025-02-26T21:06:14+00:00


American Caddy Vac just wrapped up another great show at the 33rd Annual NADCA Annual Meeting and Exposition. As we talked with clients (new and old) one subject kept coming up… options.  American Caddy Vac is the company in our industry that really allows our customers to finely customize every Caddy Vac they purchase.  That’s because we run our […]

SO MANY OPTIONS!2022-03-22T22:04:00+00:00

Tech Tip: Whip Replacement

Are your whips not performing like you think they should be? Check their length! It may be time to replace them.

Short whips don’t give adequate whipping action. They mostly just stick straight out. It doesn’t matter whether you are using a 3-whip, 5-whip, or 8-whip. Once the ends wear down, you won’t get the same action.

In larger ducting, you […]

Tech Tip: Whip Replacement2022-03-08T17:39:02+00:00

Five Customer Service Processes You Know You Should Do (But Don’t)

If you’re like most business owners, you would agree that if there was one thing you wish you could have more of in your job, it’s time. If you made a list right now of all the things you should be doing, but don’t do because of a lack of time, well, it would be a long list. In fact, you […]

Five Customer Service Processes You Know You Should Do (But Don’t)2025-02-26T22:17:53+00:00

Whips for Every Cleaning Challenge

Every duct cleaning job brings it’s own challenges.  At American Caddy Vac we use our extensive experience in our own air duct cleaning business to make sure we stock the right whip tool for each situation.  Whips have been used for decades in the cleaning business, but we have improved on some designs and developed new designs to make […]

Whips for Every Cleaning Challenge2022-03-08T17:06:07+00:00
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