This option is becoming a must-have for air duct cleaners for three reasons:
1. Efficiency. The electric hose reel saves time and manpower. It’s so easy to use! Just turn it on and it automatically and quickly winds in your hose.
2. It makes it so simple to keep your hose clean. This is really important in wet, muddy, cold, or icy conditions. Kurt Presley, President of Dalton Environmental Cleaning in Whitmore Lake, Michigan loves the convenience of the automatic hose reels because his crew can just put a wet towell on the air hose and it’s cleaned as it is reeled in. “No more wiping down back at the shop! You can do it right there at the job, so you’re starting every job with clean air hose.”
3. Finally, and this is the obvious result of the first two points, the electric hose reel helps you finish one job quicker and get started on the next job quicker. It simplifies every job.
This is an upgrade that more and more of our customers are choosing. It really does pay for itself over time. And, if it is simple to clean your hose, your employees are much more likely to keep it clean. That means fewer problems from the dirt, and likely a longer life for your hoses.
This heavy duty reel holds from 150-200 feet of 3/8″ hose. It will make every job simpler and quicker, with less wear and tear on your staff. Consider it for your next unit!