Central to air duct cleaning is the need to provide suction to the air cleaning system. American Caddy Vac duct flanges provide a clean, low-profile access point for attaching your vacuum hose to any duct system.
The American Caddy Vac duct flanges are available in 8″ and 10″ diameters. Just slide your vacuum hose on the flange and then secure it with a compression clamp for a solid seal that you won’t have to worry about during the job.

Duct flanges prevent material buildup near the access point, so your crew can keep working, rather than spend extra time clearing jams.
Each duct flange comes with two cleaning access points to give you access to the system for your air hose without drilling additional holes.
American Caddy Vac duct flanges are sturdy, but are easier to handle and weigh a lot less than other duct flanges because they are made of high grade aluminum. The material can take an incredible amount of strain, and the seams are welded so they will last for many years of daily use.

We’ve been using these duct flanges for decades in our duct cleaning business. They are strong, reliable, and are so much simpler to deal with than heavier steel versions.
Order a light weight duct flange from American Caddy Vac today. Your crew will thank you!