At American Caddy Vac we are proud of our customers and we’re proud of what our customers say about us as a company, and what our customers say about our products.  Our most important task is to provide the very best product on the market.  And to be the best in the Air Duct Cleaning Systems market, the bottom line has to be power.

That’s why we make the most powerful unit on the market today.  Our vacuum moves more air than any other.  That means you can clean more, and clean faster.

Power is why Anthony Paterno (Owner, Anthony Paterno Air Duct Cleaning in Fairfield, New Jersey) purchased his first American Caddy Vac: “We were at a NADCA convention and Mac was there (Mac Mattoon, owner of American Caddy Vac).  Mac started up their truck and Luigi (Paterno’s long time co-worker) and I, we just started laughing.  We knew this was the way to go.  The strength of the truck, the durability, the service… and these trucks are fun!”


“Let me put it this way…  the theory of duct cleaning is, “If my vacuum’s stronger than your vacuum, I will be better than you in six months.”  So what happens is, your ingenuity and your experience is great, but suction is what you need.  You need Gone with the Wind!  The stronger the vacuum, the less muscle the laborers have to use.”

“So I buy the best equipment for my customer, for my employees, and for me.  If you don’t buy the best, you’re wasting your time!.  Research it, buy the best equipment you can buy for your company, and that’s it, that’s the key.”


When it comes down to it, if you don’t have the power you need, your employees are going to have to do a lot more work, it’s going to take more time, and at the end of the day the job simply will not be as clean.  Power is absolutely critical if you want to provide the best service for your customers.  Paterno sums it up this way: “There’s lots of guys running around with portables and other weaker options than the Caddy Vac, but when I pull up in one of these trucks, that settles the question.  Customers want the truck!  Plus everywhere we go, we have all of our branding right on the side of this big unit.  I get jobs all the time just because people saw our trucks working, wrote down the phone number on the side of the truck and gave us a call!  Plus the word of mouth from our customers brings in lots of business.”

So don’t settle for less.  Choose the cleaning system that will provide the power and reliability that will put you ahead of the other guy.  Choose American Caddy Vac.