May’s featured tool at American Caddy Vac is the Triple-Whip (see featured tool video). If your Air Duct Cleaning business has not added the triple-whip to your arsenal of tools, you may want to consider this aggressive whip that works great in many applications.

Start with any ductwork that has foreign material adhered somewhere in the run. Traditional whips may not be able to produce enough force to remove that material. But the triple-whip provides much greater force, and can eliminate materials that might otherwise have been left behind.

The most obvious application for the triple-whip is chimney cleaning. If you’ve ever tried to remove creosote with a traditional 8-whip, you know this can be an exercise in futility, as well as a waste of time. And at the end of the day, your customer’s chimney probably isn’t very clean.

Chimneys, and other applications require a much more aggressive agitation profile. At American Caddy Vac, we developed the triple-whip using thicker, more rigid whips. It requires strong, consistent pressure, working best with a quick recovery compressor operating between 200 and 250psi. The triple-whip produces a lot of pop. While it is moving through a chimney you will see an immediate difference compared to the 8-whip.

American Caddy Vac offers the triple-whip in a standard model with no jets, as well as models with forward and reverse jets. Each model is color coded for easy identification.

The triple-whip is one of many cleaning tools we keep in our own duct cleaning trucks. Our techs love this tool because it makes cleaning chimneys so much simpler and faster than using whips with a less aggressive action.

And of course, at American Caddy Vac we build all our tools with parts and materials that can be easily replaced. So, when your whips begin to show signs of wear, just give us a call and we will send replacement elements right away.

The month of May is a great time to stock up on this tool! During May, purchase 3 triple-whips and we’ll thrown in another for free!

If you have questions about triple-whips, or any tools of the trade, please give us a call. We have personal experience using all of these tools and we’re glad to share that experience with our customers.