Why the Y-Box?  A more likely question might be, “How did I ever get by without a Y-Box?”  How many times have you wanted suction in two places at the same time on the same job?  That is what the Y-Box offers.  It’s the ideal way to split the suction from your truck so you can clean two systems at the same time!

Of course, it goes without saying that if you are going to split the suction, you need to have enough suction power to make both lines effective.  In other words, you need American Caddy Vac, with the strongest suction in the industry.

If you have that kind of suction available, the Y-Box can really double your productivity on a big commercial site.  You can be running two crews at the same time from one unit.  Or, if you simply have a large residential job, it may be more efficient to have suction running at two locations so your crews don’t have to move things around so much.

And think about those insulation removal jobs!  If you have suction running at two locations instead of just one, you can really cut down the time that you are on site.  That has the potential to win you bids on jobs that need to be done quickly!  Plus it cuts down on how much your crews will have to handle insulation, which is always popular!

At American Caddy Vac, our Y-Box is made to last, but it is also easy to use.  That’s because we use hi-grade welded aluminum for this tool.  It will hold up under intense pressure, but it weighs in at only 11 pounds!  It splits a 10 inch line into two 8 inch lines and your crew will love it!

Take a minute and think about how this tool could extend the usefulness of your American Caddy Vac!  It’s an accessory that should be in every truck and will make every unit just that much more efficient and productive.

It’s a great tool for lots of applications, and it’s available today at American Caddy Vac.